Journal Publications (recent)

Hernanda RAP, Kim J, Faqeerzada MA, Amanah HZ, Cho BK, Kim MS, Baek I, Lee H. 2024 (November). Rapid and noncontact identification of soybean flour in edible insect using NIR spectral imager: A case study in Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis powder. Food Control 169: 111019.
Semyalo D, Kim Y, Omia E, Arief MAA, Kim H, Sim EY, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2024 (November). Nondestructive Identification of Internal Potato Defects Using Visible and Short-Wavelength Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis. Agriculture 14: 14112014.
Rho TG, Cho BK. 2024 (November). Non-Destructive Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties for
Egg Freshness: A Review. Agriculture 14: 14112049. -
Masithoh RE, Pahlawan MFR, Kim J, Arief MAA, Kurniawan H, Hernanda RAP, Amanah HZ, Cho BK. 2024 (December). Shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging for the determination of pork adulteration in minced beef and lamb. Food Control 166: 110736.
Adhikari S, Josh R, Joshi R, Kim M, Jang Y, Tufa LT, Gicha BB, Lee J, Lee D, Cho BK. 2024 (November). Rapid and ultrasensitive detection of thiram and carbaryl pesticide residues in fruit juices using SERS coupled with the chemometrics technique. Food Chemistry 457: 140486.
Arief MAA, Nugroho AP, Putro AW, Sutiarso L, Cho BK, Okayasu T. 2024 (September). Development and Application of a Low‑Cost 3‑Dimensional (3D) Reconstruction System Based on the Structure from Motion (SfM) Approach for Plant Phenotyping. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 49: 326-336.
Fareerzada MA, Kim Y, Kim H, Akter T, Kim H, Park MS, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2024 (August). Hyperspectral imaging system for pre- and post-harvest defect detection in paprika fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 218: 113151.
Hernanda RAP, Lee H, Cho J, Cho BK, Kim MS. 2024 (July). Current trends in the use of thermal imagery in assessing plant stresses: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculutre 224: 109227.
Chung H, Wi S, Cho BK, Lee H. 2024 (July). Classification of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Crops by Fertilizer
Differences Using Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging System. Agriculture 14: 1215. -
Kurniawan H, Arief MAA, Lohumi S, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2024 (July). Dual Imaging Technique for a Real-time Inspection System of Foreign Object Detection in Fresh-Cut Vegetables. Current Research in Food Science 9: 100802.
Mukasa P, Semyalo D, Faqeerzadaa MA, Kim H, Min HJ, Kim MS, Baek I, Kabenge I, Cho BK. 2024 (June). Deep Learning Application for Real-time Gravity-assisted Seed Conveying System for Watermelon Seeds Purity Sorting. Computers and Electronics in Agriculutre 221: 108974.
Joshi R, Adhikari A, Kim M, Jang Y, Min HJ, Lee D, Cho BK. 2024 (March). Trace level detection of melamine and cyanuric acid extracted from pet liquid food (milk) using a SERS Au nanogap substrate. Current Research in Food Science 8: 100726.
Semyalo D, Kwon O, Wakholi C, Min HJ, Cho BK. 2024 (March). Nondestructive online measurement of pineapple maturity and soluble solids content using visible and near-infrared spectral analysis. Postharvest Biology and Technology 209: 112706.
Akter T, Bhattacharya T, Kim JH, Kim MS, Baek I, Chan DE, Cho BK. 2024 (March). A comprehensive review of external quality measurements of fruits and vegetables using nondestructive sensing technologies. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 15: 101068.
Priya GGL, Mouli PVSSRC, Domnic S, Selvi GC, Cho BK. 2024 (February). Hyperspectral image classification using Walsh Hadamard transform- based key band selection and deep convolutional neural networks. International Journal of Remote Sensing 45(4): 1220-1249.
Joshi R, Kholiya S, Pandey H, Joshi R, Emmanuel O, Tewari A, Kim T, Cho BK. 2023 (December). A comparison of ATR-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy for the non-destructive examination of terpenoids in medicinal plants essential oils. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 50:675-696.
Kim J, Kurniawan H, Faqeerzada MA, Kim G, Lee H, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2023 (November). Proximate Content Monitoring of Black Soldier Fly Larval (Hermetia illucens) Dry Matter for Feed Material using Short-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. Food Science of Animal Resources 43(6):1150~1169.
Im SH, Kwon KD, Cho BK, Kim GW, Lee H. 2023 (October). Development of Non-destructive Discrimination Model for Water Stress in Chinese Cabbage Seedlings using Hyperspectral Imaging. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing 43(5): 386-397.
Rho TG, Song DB, Park DS, Cho E, Kim GW, Cho BK. 2023 (October). Design and Fabrication of a Flexible Ultrasonic Transducer for Egg Quality Evaluation. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing 43(5): 367-376.
Choi JW, Kim SY, Kwon KD, Cho SB, Cho EA, Kim GW, Cho BK. 2023 (October). Trend of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Monitoring Field-crop Productivity. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 57(5):1-11
Patel AK, Park ES, Lee HS, Priya GGL, Kim H, Joshi R, Arief MAA, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2023 (September). Deep Learning-Based Plant Organ Segmentation and Phenotyping of Sorghum Plants Using LiDAR Point Cloud. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 16: 8492-8507.
Umuhoza A, Bhattacharya T, Faqeerzada MA, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2023 (August). Advancement of Non-Destructive Spectral Measurements for the Quality of Major Tropical Fruits and Vegetables: A review. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1240361.
Aulia R, Amanah HZ, Lee H, Kim MS, Baek I, Qin J, Cho BK. 2023 (August). Protein and lipid content estimation in soybeans using Raman hyperspectral imaging. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1167139.
Lee S, Kim H, Cho BK. 2023 (June). Deep Learning-Based Image Classification for Major Mosquito Species Inhabiting Korea. Insects 14: 526.
Niyigena G, Lee S, Kwon S, Song D, Cho BK. 2023 (June). Real-Time Detection and Classification of Scirtothrips dorsalis on Fruit Crops with Smartphone-Based Deep Learning System: Preliminary Results. Insects 14: 523.
Joshi R, GG LP, Faqeerzada MA, Bhattacharya T, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2023 (May). Deep Learning-Based Quantitative Assessment of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid in Pet Food Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Sensors 23: 5020.
Rho TG, Park DS, Kim J, Cho BK. 2023 (April). Non-Destructive Measurement of Egg Air Cell using Longwave Infrared Thermal Imaging. Journal of the Korean Society for Nodestructive Testing 43(2): 145-153.
Kwon OT, Kim G, Bae H, Ryu J, Woo S, Cho BK. 2023 (April). Development of a Mercury Bromide Birefringence Measurement System Based on Brewster's Angle. Sensors 23: 4208.
Tunny SS, Kurniawan H, Amanah HZ, Baek I, Kim MS, Chan D, Faqeerzada MA, Wakholi C, Cho BK. 2023 (April). Hyperspectral imaging techniques for detection of foreign materials from fresh-cut vegetables. Postharvest Biology and Technolgy 201: 112373.
Joshi R, Adhikari S, Son JP, Jang Y, Lee D, Cho BK. 2023 (September). Au nanogap SERS substrate for the carbaryl pesticide determination in juice and milk using chemometrics. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectoscopy 297: 122734.
Arief MAA, Kim H, Kurniawan H, Nugroho AP, Kim T, Cho BK. 2023 (March). Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging for Early Detection of Drought and Heat Stress in Strawberry Plants. Plants 12: 1387.
Park E, Kim YS, Faqeerzada MA, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2023 (February). Hyperspectral reflectance imaging for nondestructive evaluation fo root rot in Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer). Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1109060.
Kim J, Kwon YK, Kim HW, Seol KH, Cho BK. 2023 (February). Robot Technology for Pork and Beef Meat Slaughtering Process: A Review. Animals 13: 651.
Omia E, Bae H, Park E, Kim MS, Baek I, Kabenge I, Cho BK. 2023 (January). Remote Sensing in Field Crop Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review of Sensor Systems, Data Analyses and Recent Advances. Remote Sensing 15: 354.
Kim H, Areif MAA, Kim T, Suh HK, Cho BK. 2022 (December). Early Detection of Drought Stress in Plants Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep-Learning Method. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing 42(6): 503-513.
Kim J, Semyalo D, Rho TG, Bae H, Cho BK. 2022 (December). Non-Destructive Detection of Abnormal Chicken Eggs by Using an Optimized Spectral Analysis System. Sensors 22: 9826.
Faqeerzada MA, Park E, Kim T, Kim MS, Baek I, Joshi R, Kim J, Cho BK. 2022 (December). Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging for Early Diagnosis of Heat-Stressed Ginseng Plants. Applied Sciences 13: 31.
Magalraj P, Park ES, Faqeerzada MA, Kim T, Kim MS, Baek I, Cho BK. 2022 (November). Indentification of Early Heat and Water Stress in Strawberry Plants using Chlorophyll-Fluorescence Indices Extracted via Hyperspectral Images. Sensors 22: 8706.
Yasmin J, Ahmed MR, Wakholi C, Lohumi S, Mukasa P, Kim G, Kim J, Lee H, Cho BK. 2022 (November). Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for online measuement of the viability detection of naturally aged watermelon seeds. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 986754.
Kandpal LM, Mouazen AM, Masithoh RE, Mishra P, Lohumi S, Cho BK, Lee H. 2022 (October). Infrared Physics and Technology 127: 104371.
Aulia R, Kim Y, Amanah HZ, Arief MAA, Kim Haeun, Kim Hangi, Lee WH, Kim KH, Baek JH, Cho BK. 2022 (October). Non-destructive prediction of protein contents of soybean seeds using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Infrared Physics and Technology 127: 104365.
Park ES, Kumar AP, Arief MAA, Joshi R, Lee H, Cho BK. 2022 (September). Noncontact measurements of the morphological phenotypes of sorghum using 3D LiDAR point cloud. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 49:483-493.
Kim G, Joshi Ritu, Joshi Rahul, Kim MS, Baek I, Kim J, Park ES, Lee H, Mo C, Cho BK. 2022 (September). Non-destructive identification of fake eggs using fluorescence spectral analysis and hyperspectral imaging. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 49:495-510.
Jaypal PK, Joshi R, Sathasivam R, Nguyen BV, Faqeerzada MA, Park SU, Sandanam D, Cho BK. 2022 (September). Non-destructive measurement of total phenolic compounds in Arabidopsis under various stress conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:982247.
Wakholi, C., J. Kim, S. Nabwire, K.D. Kwon, C. Mo, S. Cho, B.K. Cho. 2022 (June). Deep learning feature extraction for image-based beef carcass yield estimation. Biosystems Engineering 218: 78-93.
Joshi, R., I. Baek, R. Joshi, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2022 (June). Detection of fabricated eggs using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy coupled with multivariate classification techniques. Infrared Physics & Technology 123: 104163.
Mangalraj, P., B.K. Cho. 2022 (April). Recent trends and advances in hyperspectral imaging techniques to estimate solar induced fluorescence for plant phenotyping. Ecological Indicators 137: 108721.
Joshi, R., R. Sathasivam, P.K. Jayapal, A.K. Patel, B.V. Nguyen, M.A. Faqeerzada, S.U. Park, S.H. Lee, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2022 (March). Comparative Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Powder under Distinct Stress Conditions Using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy. Plants 11: 836.
Mukasa, P., C. Wakholi, M.A. Faqeerzada, H.Z. Amanah, H. Kim, R. Joshi, H.K. Suh, G. Kim, H. Lee, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2022 (March). Nondestructive discrimination of seedless from seeded watermelon seeds by using multivariate and deep learning image analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 194: 106799.
Wakholi, C., J. Kim, K.D. Kwon, C. Mo, Y. Seo, S. Cho, J. Kim, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2022 (March). Nondestructive estimation of beef carcass yield using digital image analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 194: 106769.
Tunny, S.S., H.Z. Amanah, M.A. Faqeerzada, C. Wakholi, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2022 (February). Multispectral Wavebands Selection for the Detection of Potential Foreign Materials in Fresh-Cut Vegetables. Sensors 22: 1775.
Nabwire, S., C. Wakholi, M.A. Faqeerzada, M.K.A. Arief, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2022 (February). Estimation of Cold Stress, Plant Age, and Number of Leaves in Watermelon Plants Using Image Analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 847225.
Jayapal, P.K., E. Park, M.A. Faqeerzada, Y.S. Kim, H. Kim, I. Baek, M.S. Kim, D. Sandanam, B.K. Cho. 2022 (February). Analysis of RGB Plant Images to Identify Root Rot Disease in Korean Ginseng Plants Using Deep Learning. Applied Sciences 12: 2489.
Kim, G., H. Lee, I. Baek, B.K. Cho, M.S. Kim. 2022 (February). Quantitative detection of benzoyl peroxide in wheat flour using line-scan short-wave infrared hyperspectral imaging. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 352: 130997.
Amanah, H.Z., S.S. Tunny, R.E. Masithoh, M.G. Choung, K.H. Kim, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2022 (January). Nondestructive Prediction of Isoflavones and Oligosaccharides in Intact Soybean Seed Using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopic Techniques. Foods 11: 232.
Yun, W., J.P. Kumar, S. Lee, D.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2022 (January). Deep learning‑based system development for black pine bast scale detection. Scientific Reports 12: 606.
Joshi R., R. Sathasivam, S.U. Park, H. Lee, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2021 (December). Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis Methods for the Non-Destructive Evaluation of Phenolics Compounds in Moringa Powder. Agriculture 12: 10.
Wakholi, C., S. Nabwire, J. Kim, J.H. Bae, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2021 (December). Economic Analysis of an Image-Based Beef Carcass Yield Estimation System in Korea. Animals 12: 7.
Kim, M.J., Changyeun Mo, H.T. Kim, B.K. Cho, S.J. Hong, D.H. Lee, C.S. Shin, K.J. Jang, Y.H. Kim, I. Baek. 2021 (November). Research and Technology Trend Analysis by Big Data‑Based Smart Livestock Technology: a Review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 46: 386-398.
Sohn, S.I., S. Pandian, Y.J. Oh, J.L.Z. Zaukuu, H.J. Kang, T.H. Ryu, W.S. Cho, Y.S. Cho, E.K. Shin, B.K. Cho. 2021 (September). An Overview of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Its Applications in the Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 9940.
Kim, G., H. Lee, B.K. Cho, I. Baek, M.S. Kim. 2021 (September). Quantitative Evaluation of Food-Waste Components in Organic Fertilizer Using Visible–Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. Applied Sciences 11: 8201.
Park, E., Y.S. Kim, M.K. Omari, H. Suh, M.A. Faqeerzada, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2021 (August). High-Throughput Phenotyping Approach for the Evaluation of Heat Stress in Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) Using a Hyperspectral Reflectance Image. Sensors 21: 5634.
Nabwire, S., H.K. Suh, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2021 (June). Review: Application of artificial intelligence in phenomics. Sensors 21: 4363.
Joshi, R., R. Joshi, H.Z. Amanah, M.A. Faqeerzada, P.K. Jaypal, G. Kim, I. Baek, E.S. Park, R.E. Masithoh, B.K. Cho. 2021 (June). Quantitative analysis of glycerol concentration in red wine using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics analysis. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 48(2): 299-310.
Baek, I., H. Lee, B.K. Cho, C. Mo, D.E. Chan, M.S. Kim. 2021 (June). Shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging system coupled with multivariable method for TVB-N measurement in pork. Food Control 124: 107854.
Amanah, H.Z., C. Wakholi, M. Perez, M.A. Faqeerzada, S.S. Tunny, R.E. Masithoh, M.G. Choung, K.H. Kim, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2021 (May). Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) for nondestructive prediction of anthocyanins content in black rice seeds. Applied Science 11: 4841.
Kim J., H.D. Han, W.Y. Lee, C. Wakholi, J. Lee, Y.B. Jeong, J.H. Bae, B.K. Cho. 2021 (April). Economic analysis of the use of VCS2000 for pork carcass meat yield grading in Korea. Animals 11: 1297.
Uyeh, D.D., J. KIM, S. Lohumi, T. Park, B.K. Cho, S. Woo, W.S. Lee, Y. Ha. 2021 (April). Rapid and non-destructive monitoring of moisture content in livestock feed using a global hyperspectral model. Animals 11: 1299.
Kim, Y.S., I.S. Park, E. Park, B.K. Cho, C.W. Lee, J.M. Choi. 2021 (April). Changes in the chemical properties of coir dust with increasing aging time and development of a method for determining moderate aging degree. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 62: 547-557.
Masithoh, R.E., H.Z. Amanah, Y.S. Yoon, R. Joshi, B.K. Cho. 2021 (March). Determination of protein and glucose of tuber and root flours using NIR and MIR spectroscopy. Infrared Physics and Technology 113: 103577
Lohumi, S., B.K. Cho, S. Hong. 2021 (January). LCTF-based multispectral fluorescence imaging: System development and potential for real-time foreign object detection in fresh-cut vegetable processing. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 180: 105912.
Joe, S.Y., J.H. So, S.H. Hwang, B.K. Cho, W.H. Lee, T. Kang, S.H. Lee. 2021 (January). Application of ohmic-vacuum combination heating for the processing of senior-friendly food (multiphase food): experimental studies and numerical simulation. Foods 10: 138.
Ahmed, M.R., J. Yasmin, C. Wakholi, P. Mukasa, B.K. Cho. 2020 (December). Classification of pepper seed quality based on internal structure using X-ray CT imaging. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179: 105839.
Amanah, H.Z., R. Joshi, R.E. Masithoh, M.G. Choung, K.H. Kim, G. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2020 (December). Nondestructive measurement of anthocyanin in intact soybean seed using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Infrared Physics & Technology 111: 103477.
Faqeerzada, M.A., A. Rahman, G. Kim, E. Park, R. Joshi, S. Lohumi, B.K. Cho. 2020 (December). Prediction of moisture contents in green peppers using hyperspectral imaging based on a polarized lighting system. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 47(4): 995-1010.
Kwon K.D., A. Lee, J. Lim, S. Cho, W. Lee, B.K. Cho, Y.W. Seo. 2020 (December). Quality grading of Hanwoo (Korean native cattle breed) sub-images using convolutional neural network. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 47(4): 1109-1122.
Yoo, H., J. Lim, G. Kim, M.S. Kim, J. Kang, Y. Seo, A. Lee, B.K. Cho, S.J. Hong, C. Mo. 2020 (December). Development of weight prediction 2D image technology using the surface shape characteristics of strawberry cultivars. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 47(4): 753-767.
Kim, G., B.K. Cho, S.H. Oh, K.B. Kim. 2020 (December). Feasibility Study for the Evaluation of Chicken Meat Storage TimeUsing Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor. Journal of Biosystems Engineering (Online published).
Ahmed, M.R., J. Yasmin, E. Park, G. Kim, M.S. Kim, C. Wakholi, C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2020 (November). Classification of watermelon seeds using morphological patterns of X-ray imaging: a comparison of conventional machine learning and deep learning. Sensors 20: 6753.
Faqeerzada, M.A., S. Lohumi, G. Kim, R. Joshi, H. Lee, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2020 (October). Hyperspectral shortwave infrared image analysis for detection of adulterants in almond powder with one-class classification method. Sensors 20: 5855.
Faqeerzada, M.A., M. Perez, S. Lohumi, H. Lee, G. Kim, C. Wakholi, B.K. Cho. 2020 (September). Online Application of a Hyperspectral Imaging System for the Sorting of Adulterated Almonds. Applied Sciences 10: 6569.
Bae, J.H., H.J. Bae, G. Kim, E. Park, B.K. Cho. 2020 (August). Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Technology for Abiotic Stress Monitoring of Citrus ‘Unshiu’ using Multispectral Imaging. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing 40(4): 274-284.
Kim, M.J., J. Lim, S.W. Kwon, G. Kim, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho, I. Baek, S.H. Lee, Y. Seo, C. Mo. 2020 (August). Geographical Origin Discrimination of White Rice Based on Image Pixel Size Using Hyperspectral Fluorescence Imaging Analysis. Applied Sciences 10: 5794.
Faqeerzada, M.A., S. Lohumi, R. Joshi, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2020 (July). Non-Targeted Detection of Adulterants in Almond Powder Using Spectroscopic Techniques Combined with Chemometrics. Foods 9: 876.
Yasmin, J., S. Lohumi, M.R. Ahmed, L.M. Kandpal, M.A. Faqeerzada, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2020 (May). Improvement in Purity of Healthy Tomato Seeds Using an Image-Based One-Class Classification Method. Sensors 20: 2690.
Joshi, R., R. Joshi, C. Mo, M.A. Faqeerzada, H.Z. Amanah, R.E. Masithoh, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2020 (May). Raman Spectral Analysis for Quality Determination of Grignard Reagent. Applied Sciences 10: 3545.
Lee, D., S. Lohumi, B.K. Cho, S.H. Lee, H. Jung. 2020 (April). Determination of Drying Patterns of Radish Slabs under Dierent Drying Methods Using Hyperspectral Imaging Coupled with Multivariate Analysis. Foods 9: 484.
Mukasa, P., C. Wakholi, A.F. Mohammad, E. Park, J. Lee, H.K. Suh, C. Mo, H. Lee, I. Baek, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2020 (April). Determination of the viability of retinispora (Hinoki cypress) seeds using shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 28(2): 70-80.
Omari, M.K., J. Lee, M.A. Faqeerzada, R. Joshi, E. Park, B.K. Cho. 2020 (March). Digital image-based plant phenotyping: a review. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 47(1): 119-130.
Kandpal, L.M., J. Lee, H. Bae, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2020 (January). Near-infrared transmittance spectral imaging for nondestructive measurement of internal disorder in Korean ginseng. Sensors 20(1), 273.
Joshi, R., S. Lohumi, R. Joshi, M.S. Kim, J. Qin, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2020 (January). Raman spectral analysis for non-invasive detection of external and internal parameters of fake eggs. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 303: 127243.
Baek, I., B.K. Cho, S.A. Gadsden, C. Eggleton, M. Oh, C. Mo, M.S. Kim. 2019 (December). A novel hyperspectral line-scan imaging method for whole surfaces of round shaped agricultural products. Biosystems Engineering 188: 57-66.
Torres, I., M-T. Sanchez, B.K. Cho, A. Garrido-Varo, D. Perez-Marin. 2019 (December). Setting up a methodology to distinguish between green oranges and leaves using hyperspectral imaging. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture 167: 105070.
Joshi, R., R. Joshi, M.A. Faqeerzada, E. Park, H. Bae, J. Lee, H.T. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2019 (September). Effects of the storage environment on the quality attributes of eggs with a washing treatment. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 46(3): 689-703.
Seo, Y., H. Lee, C. Mo, M.S. Kim, I. Baek, J. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2019 (August). Multispectral fluorescence imaging technique for on-line inspection of fecal residues on poultry carcasses. Sensors 19: 3483.
Ahmed, M.R., J. Yasmin, W. Collins, S. Lohumi, B.K. Cho. 2019 (June). Assessment of the Morphological Structure of Watermelon and Muskmelon Seeds as Related to Viability. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 44: 77-86.
Seo, Y., H. Lee, H.J. Bae, E. Park, H.S. Lim, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2019 (June). Optimized Multivariate Analysis for the Discrimination of Cucumber Green Mosaic Mottle Virus-Infected Watermelon Seeds Based on Spectral Imaging. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 44: 95-102.
Lohumi, S., M.S. Kim, J. Qin, B.K. Cho. 2019 (June). Improving sensitivity in Raman imaging for thin layered and powdered food analysis utilizing a reflection mirror. Sensors 19: 2698.
Joshi, R., B.K. Cho, S. Lohumi, R. Joshi, J. Lee, H. Lee, C. Mo. 2019 (June). Evaluation of benzene residue in edible oils using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 46(2): 257-271.
Yasmin, J., M.R. Ahmed, S. Lohumi, C. Wakholi, H. Lee, C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2019 (April). Rapid authentication measurement of cinnamon powder using FT-NIR and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 11(3): 257-267.
Lohumi, S., H. Lee, M.S. Kim, J. Qin, B.K. Cho. 2019 (May). Raman hyperspectral imaging and spectral similarity analysis for quantitative detection of multiple adulterants in wheat flour. Biosystems Engineering 181: 103-113.
Mukasa, P., C. Wakholi, C. Mo, M. Oh, H.J. Joo, H.K. Suh, B.K. Cho. 2019 (May). Determination of viability of retinispora (Hinoki cypress) seeds using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Infrared Physics & Technology 98: 62-68.
Baek, I., M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho, C. Mo, J.Y. Barnaby, A.M. McClung, M. Oh. 2019 (March). Selection of optimal hyperspectral wavebands for detection of discolored, diseased rice seeds. Applied Sciences 9: 1027.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, S. Dhakal, B.K. Cho, S. Lohumi, C. Mo, Y. Peng, M. Huang. 2019 (March). Advanced in Raman spectroscopy and imaging techniques for quality and safety inspection of horticultural products. Postharvest Biology and Technology 149: 101-117.
Joshi, R., B.K. Cho, R. Joshi, S. Lohumi, M.A. Faqeerzada, H.Z. Amanah, J. Lee, C. Mo, H. Lee. 2019 (March). Raman spectroscopic analysis to detect olive oil mixtures in argan oil. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 46(1): 183-194.
Yasmin, J., M.R. Ahmed, S. Lohumi, W. Collins, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2019 (March). Classification method for viability screening of naturally aged watermelon seeds using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Sensors 19: 1190.
Kandpal, L.M., Y. Lee, J. Bae, S. Lohumi, B.K. Cho. 2019 (March). Development of a low-cost multi-waveband LED illumination imaging technique for rapid evaluation of fresh meat quality. Applied Science 9: 912.
Park, E., S. Lohumi, B.K. Cho. 2019 (February). Line-scan imaging analysis for rapid viability evaluation of white-fertilized-egg embryos. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 281: 204-211.
Baek, I., D. Kusumaningrum, L.M. Kandpal, S. Lohumi, C. Mo, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2019 (January). Rapid measurement of soybean seed viability using kernel-based multispectral image analysis. Sensors 19(2): 271.
Rahman, A., E. Park, H. Bae, B.K. Cho. 2018 (December). Hyperspectral imaging technique to evaluate the firmness and the sweetness index of tomatoes. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 45(4): 823-837.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, L. Bellato, W.F. Schmidt, B.K. Cho, M. Huang. 2018. Inspection of maleic anhydride in starch powder using line-scan hyperspectral Raman chemical imaging technique. International Journal of Agriculture & Biological Engineering 11(6): 120–125.
Lohumi, S., C. Wakholi, J.H. Baek, B.D. Kim, S.J. Kang, H.S. Kim, Y.K. Yun, W.Y. Lee, S.H. Yoon, B.K. Cho. 2018 (October). Nondestructive estimation of lean meat yield of South Korean pig carcasses using machine vision technique. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 38(5): 653-663.
Rahman, A., M.A. Faqeerzada, R. Joshi, S. Lohumi, L.M. Kandpal, H. Lee, C. Mo, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2018. Quality analysis of stored bell peppers using near infrared hyperspectral imaging. Transactions of the ASABE 61(4): 1199-1207.
Lohumi, S., H. Lee, M.S. Kim, J. Qin, L.M. Kandpal, H. Bae, A. Rhaman, B.K. Cho. 2018. Calibration and testing of a Raman hyperspectral imaging system to reveal powdered food adulteration. Plos One 13(4): e0195253.
Rahman, A., H. Lee, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2018. Mapping the pungency of green pepper using hyperspectral imaging. Food Analytical Methods 11(11): 3042-3052.
Lohumi, S., H. Lee, M.S. Kim, J. Qin, B.K. Cho. 2018. Through-packaging analysis of butter adulteration using line-scan spatially offset Raman spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 410(22): 5663-5673.
Kandpal, L.M., J. Tewari, K. Tran, E. Quan, N. Gopinathan, B.K. Cho. 2018. Hyperspectral imaging sensor for optimization of small molecule formulations. Medical Devices & Sensors 1(1): e10006: 1-9.
Rahman, A., M.A. Faqeerzada, B.K. Cho. 2018. Hyperspectral imaging for predicting the allicin and soluble solid content of garlic with variable selection algorithms and chemometric models. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 98: 4715-4725.
Lee, H., M.S. Kim, S. Lohumi, B.K. Cho. 2018. Detection of melamine in milk powder using MCT-based short-wave infrared hyperspectral imaging system. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 35(6): 1027-1037.
Lohumi, S., H. Lee, M.S. Kim, J. Qin, B.K. Cho. 2018. Raman imaging for the detection of adulterants in paprika powder: a comparison of data analysis methods. Applied Science 8(485): 1-12.
Dewi, K., H. Lee, S. Lohumi, C. Mo, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2018. Nondestructive technique for determining the viability of soybean (Glycine max) seeds using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 98(5): 1734-1742.
Kandpal, L.M., B.K. Cho, J. Tewari, N. Gopinathan. 2018. Raman spectral imaging technique for API detection in pharmaceutical microtablets. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 260: 213-222.
Shim, J.Y., H.Y. Kim, B.K. Cho, S.H. Yang, C. Mo, K.D. Kwon, J.H. Kim, W.H. Lee. 2018. Multivariate analysis of deboning data for classifying Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) by gender. Current Science 114(5): 1075-1082.
Lee, H., M.S. Kim, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2018. Determination of the total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) content in pork meat using hyperspectral fluorescence imaging. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 259: 532-539.
Kim, D.-G., S.-W. Seo, B.K. Cho, S. Lohumi, S.J. Hong, W.-H. Lee. 2018. Review of current approaches for implementing metabolic reconstruction. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 43(1): 45-58.
Wakholi, C., L.M. Kandpal, H. Lee, H. Bae, E. Park, M.S. Kim, C. Mo, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2018. Rapid assessment of corn seed viability using short wave infrared line-scan hyperspectral imaging and chemometrics. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 255: 498-507.
Jung, J.M., S. Jung, M.R. Ahmed, B.K. Cho, W.H. Lee. 2017. Invasion risk of the yellow crazy ant under the representative concentration pathways 8.5 climate change scenario in South Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 10: 548-554.
Mo, C., J. Lim, S.W. Kwon, D.K. Lim, M.S. Kim, G. Kim, J. Kang, K.-D. Kwon, B.K. Cho. Hyperspectral Imaging and Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis for Geographical Origin Discrimination of White Rice. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 42(4): 293-300.
Rahman, A., C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2017. 3-D image reconstruction techniques for plant and animal morphological analysis - a review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 42(4): 339-349.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, M. Gonzalez, B.K. Cho. 2017. Quantitative detection of benzoyl peroxide in wheat flour using line-scan macroscale raman chemical imaging. Applied Spectroscopy 71(11): 2469-2476.
Lee, H., M.S. Kim, J. Qin, E. Park, Y.R. Song, C.S. Oh, B.K. Cho. 2017. Raman hyperspectral imaging for detection of watermelon seeds infected with Acidovorax citrulli. Sensors 17: 2188.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, B.K. Cho. 2017. Raman chemical imaging technology for food and agricultural applications. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 42(3): 170-189.
Mo, C., G. Kim, M.S. Kim, J. Kim, H. Cho, J.Y. Barnaby, B.K. Cho. 2017. Fluorescence hyperspectral imaging technique for foreign substance detection on fresh-cut lettuce. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 97: 3985-3993.
Lee, H., T.Q. Huy, E. Park, H.J. Bae, I. Baek, M.S. Kim, C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2017. Machine vision technique for rapid measurement of soybean seed vigor. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 42(3): 227-233.
Ahmed, M.R., J. Yasmin, W.H. Lee, C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2017. Imaging technologies for nondestructive measurement of internal properties of agricultural products: a review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 42(3): 199-216.
Lohumi, S., M.S. Kim, J. Qin, B.K. Cho. 2017. Raman imaging from microscopy to macroscopy: quality and safety control of biological materials. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 93: 183-198.
Lohumi, S., R. Joshi, L.M. Kandpal, H. Lee, M.S. Kim, H. Cho, C. Mo, Y.W. Seo, A. Rahman, B.K. Cho. 2017. Quantitative analysis of sudan dye adulteration in paprika powder using FTIR spectroscopy. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 34(5): 678-686.
Mo, C., G. Kim, M.S. Kim, J. Lim, S.H. Lee, H.S Lee, B.K. Cho. 2017. Discrimination methods for biological contaminants in fresh-cut lettuce based on VNIR and NIR hyperspectral imaging. Infrared Physics & Technology 85: 1-12.
Kandpal, L.M., J. Tewari, N. Gopinathan, J. Stolee, R. Strong, P. Boulas, B.K Cho. 2017. Quality assessement of pharmaceutical tablet samples using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis. Infrared Physics & Technology 85: 300-306.
Mo, C., M.S. Kim, G. Kim, J. Lim, S.R. Delwiche, K. Chao, H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2017. Spatial assessment of soluble solid contents on apple slices using hyperspectral imaging. Biosystems Engineering 159: 10-21.
Mo, C., G. Kim, M.S. Kim, J. Lim, K. Lee, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2017. On-line fresh-cut lettuce quality measurement system using hyperspectral imaging. Biosystems Engineering 156: 38-50.
Rahman, A., L.M. Kandpal, S. Lohumi, M.S. Kim, H. Lee, C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2017. Nondestructive estimation of moisture content, Ph and soluble solid contents in intact tomatoes using hyperspectral imaging. Applied Sciences 7(1): 109-122.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, W.F. Schmidt, B.K. Cho, S.R. Delwiche., 2017. Line-scan Raman imaging and spectroscopy platform for surface and subsurface evaluation of food safety and quality. Journal of Food Engineering 198: 17-27.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, W.F. Schmidt, S. Dhakal, B.K. Cho, Y. Peng, M. Huang. 2017. Subsurface inspection of food safety and quality using line-scan spatially offset Raman spectroscopy technique. Food Control 75: 246-254.
Cho, J.S., H.J. Bae, B.K. Cho, K.D. Moon. 2017. Qualitative properties of roasting defect beans and development of its classification methods by hyperspectral imaging technology. Food Chemistry 220: 505-509.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, S. Dhakal, H. Lee, B.K. Cho, C. Mo. 2017. Detection and quantification of adulterants in milk powder using a high-throughput Raman chemical imaging technique. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 34(2): 152-161.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, K. Chao, D.E. Chan, S.R. Delwiche, B.K. Cho. 2017. Line-scan hyperspectral imaging techniques for food safety and quality applications. Applied Sciences 7: 125-147.
Kandpal, L.M., J. Tewari, N. Gopinathan, P. Boulas, B.K. Cho. 2016. In-Process Control Assay of Pharmaceutical Microtablets Using Hyperspectral Imaging Coupled with Multivariate Analysis. Analytical Chemistry 88: 11055-11061.
Ambrose, A., L.M. Kandpal, M.S. Kim, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2016. High speed measurement of corn seed viability using hyperspectral imaging. Infrared Physics & Technology 75: 173-179.
Qin, J., M.S. Kim, W.F. Schmidt, B.K. Cho, Y. Peng, K. Chao. 2016. A line-scan hyperspectral Raman system for spatially offset Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 47(4): 437-443.
Rahman, A., B.K. Cho. 2016. Assessment of seed quality using non-destructive measurement techniques: a review. Seed Science Research 26: 285-305.
Yamada, K., W. Choi, I. Lee, B.K. Cho, S. Jun. 2016. Rapid detection of multiple foodborne pathogens using a nanoparticle-functionalized multi-junction biosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 77: 137-143.
Lim, J., G. Kim, C. Mo, M.S. Kim, K. Chao, J. Qin, X. Fu, I. Baek, B.K. Cho. 2016. Detection of melamine in milk powder using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with regression coefficient of partial least square regression medel. Talanta 151: 183-191.
Rajendran, D.K., E.S. Park, R. Nagendran, N.B. Hung, B.K. Cho, K.H. Kim, Y.H. Lee. 2016. Visual analysis for detection and quantification of pseudomonas cichorii disease severity in tomato plants. The Plant Pathology Journal 32(4): 300-310.
Ambrose, A., S. Lohumi, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2016. Comparative nondestructive measurement of corn seed viability using Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) and Raman spectroscopy. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 224: 500-506.
Kandpal, L.M., S. Lohumi, M.S. Kim, J.S. Kang, B.K. Cho. 2016. Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging system coupled with multivariate methods to predict viability and vigor in muskmelon seeds. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 229: 534-544.
Qin, J., K. Chao, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2016. Line-Scan Macro-scale Raman Chemical Imaging for Authentication of Powdered Foods and Ingredients. Food and Bioprocess Technology 9: 113-123.
Lohumi, S., S. Lee, H. Lee, M.S. Kim, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2016. Application of hyperspectral imaging for characterization of intramuscular fat distribution in beef. Infrared Physics and Technology 74: 1-10.
Kim, J., J.W. Park, S. Park, D.S. Choi, S.R. Choi, Y.H. Kim, S.J. Lee, C.W. Park, J.S. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2016. Study of pallet scale modified atmosphere packaging films for reducing water condensation. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 41(2): 98-107.
Kim, J., J.W. Park, S. Park, D.S. Choi, S.R. Choi, Y.H. Kim, S.J. Lee, C.W. Park, G.J. Han, B.K. Cho. 2016. Study of radio frequency thawing for cylindrical pork sirloin. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 41(2): 108-115.
Lohumi, S., L.M. Kandpal, Y.W. Seo, B.K. Cho. 2016. Net analyte signal-based quantitative determination of fusel oil in Korean alcoholic beverage using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 41(3): 208-220.
Yasmin, J., M. Raju, B.K. Cho. 2016. Biosensors and their applications in food safety: A review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 41(3): 240-254.
Kim, D.Y., B.K. Cho, S.H. Lee, K. Kwon, E.S. Park, W.H. Lee. 2016. Application of Fourier transformation-mid infrared reflectance spectroscopy for monitoring Korean traditional rice wine ‘Makgeolli’ fermentation. Sensors and Actuators B 230: 753-760.
Seo, Y.W., C.K. Ahn, H. Lee, E. Park, C. Mo, B.K. Cho. 2016. Non-destructive sorting techniques for viable papper (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds using Fourier transform near-infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 41(1): 51-59.
Lee, H., M.S. Kim, H.S. Lim, E. Park, W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2016. Detection of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus-infected watermelon seeds using a near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging system: Application to seeds of the “Sambok Honey” cultivar. Biosystems Engineering 148: 138-147.
Lee, H., M.S. Kim, Y.R. Song, C.S. Oh, H.S. Lim, W.H. Lee, J.S. Kang, B.K. Cho. 2016. Non-destructive evaluation of bacteria-infected watermelon seeds using visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Epub June 30.
Lohumi, S., S. Lee, H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2015. A review of vibrational spectroscopic techniques for the detection of food authenticity and adulteration. Trends in Food Science and Technology 46: 85-98.
Kim, D.Y., B.K. Cho. 2015. Rapid monitoring of the fermentation process for Korean traditional rice wine 'Makgeolli' using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Infrared Physics and Technology 73:95-102.
Lee, S., S. Lohumi, H.S. Lim, T. Gotoh, B.K. Cho, S. Jung. 2015. Determination of intramuscular fat content in beef using magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University 60(1): 157-162.
Lee, S., S. Lohumi, H.S. Lim, T. Gotoh, B.K. Cho, M.S. Kim, S.H. Lee. 2015. Development of a detection method for adulterated onion powder using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University 60(1): 151-156.
Mo, C., G. Kim, J. Lim, M.S. Kim, H. Cho, B.K. Cho. 2015. Detection of Lettuce Discoloration Using Hyperspectral Reflectance Imaging. Sensors 15: 29511-29534.
Park, J.T., B.K. Cho, W.H. Lee. 2015. Review of Ca Metabolic Studies and a Model for Optimizing Gastrointestinal Ca Absorption and Peak Bone Mass in Adolescents. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(1): 78-88.
Min, H., B.K. Cho. 2015. Spectroscopic Techniques for Nondestructive Detection of Fungi and Mycotoxins in Agricultural Materials: A Review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(1): 67-77.
Wakholi, C., B.K. Cho, C. Mo, M.S. Kim. 2015. Current State of Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Management in East Africa. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(3): 238-249.
Joshi, R., C. Mo, W.H. Lee, S.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2015. Review of Rice Quality under Various Growth and Storage Conditions and its Evaluation using Spectroscopic Technology. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(2): 124-136.
Ambrose, A., W.H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2015. Effect of Microwave Heat Treatment on Inhibition of Corn Seed Germination. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(3): 224-231.
Kandpal, L.M., E. Park, J. Tewari, B.K. Cho. 2015. Spectroscopic Techniques for Nondestructive Quality Inspection of Pharmaceutical Products: A Review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(4): 394-408.
Lohumi, S., S. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2015. Optimal variable selection for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis of starch-adulterated garlic powder. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 216: 622-628.
Mo, C., M.S. Kim, J. Lim, K. Lee, G. Kim, B.K. Cho. 2015. Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging Technique for Discrimination of Cucumber Seed Viability. Transactions of the ASABE 58(4): 959-968.
Joshi, R., C. Mo, W.H. Lee, S. H. Lee, B.K. Cho. 2015. Review of Rice Quality under Various Growth and Storage Conditions and its Evaluation using Spectroscopic Technology. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(2): 124-136.
Min, H., B.K. Cho. 2015. Spectroscopic Techniques for Nondestructive Detection of Fungi and Mycotoxins in Agricultural Materials: A review. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 40(1): 67-77.
Kim, D.Y., C. Mo, J.S. Kang, B.K. Cho. 2015. Development of On-line Sorting System for Detection of Infected Seed Potatoes using Visible Near-Infrared Transmittance Spectral Technique. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing 35(1): 1-11.
Kandpal, L.M., S. Lee, M.S. Kim, H. Bae, B.K. Cho. 2015. Short wave infrared (SWIR) hyperspectral imaging technique for examination of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on corn kernels. Food Control 51: 171-176.
Han, K., H. Lee, J. Kang, E. Choi, S. Oh, Y. Lee, B.K. Cho, B.C. Kang. 2015. A simple method for evaluation of pepper powder color using VIS/NIR hyperspectral system. Korean Journal of Horticulture Science Technology 33(3): 403-408.